Human Performance Coach INDIA Para Powerlifting
We help individuals and organisations from various walks of life with balanced & real natural/organic nutrition.
Our PERFORMANCE process helps us undo old habits and create an effective and efficient plan to suit your lifestyle and age.
Tactical performance training is a comprehensive training approach for special forces.
Get brain fit .We know sweat isn’t enough. If you can envision, it can happen. What separates the best from the good is the focused, calm & fearless trained mind.
We have created a combination of aged back IV therapies and modern technology to combat ‘Todays’ world drawbacks.
We’re relentless towards continuing education, trend analysis & research and development to uncover the most effective and efficient ways to improve human performance.
We undertake Individuals and organisations for Rehabilitation and Pre-Habilitation(Preventive) care.
With the help of our expertise and our thorough diagnosis approach we have created a panel of assessments under each of our PILLARS-Physiological, psychosocial, psychological.
The Challenge - To find a surgery free treatment.
And a fast acting and return to full activity solution.
The challenge - Patient came with nagging pain
which has been on for 3-4 years. Stiffness in the
morning . Knee hurts with no real activity.
The challenge - Patient came with nagging pain which has
been on for 2 years. Stiffness in the morning .We were dealing
with a cinematographer. So the job entailed a lot of bending.
Our sports performance training improves functional movement to support the physical demands of life and sport. We help athletes of all levels shore up weaknesses, decrease injury risk, and build strength and power.
Our elite athlete training programs combine training, nutrition, and physical therapy to ensure optimal performance for the preseason, in-season, and offseason of any sport.
Back pain,Knee pain,Surgical free treatments,Sclerosis,Arthritis,Parkinsons. Post-Op Rehab,Post covid Rehab,Frozen shoulder,Breathing issues,Vertigo,Tinnitus Shoulder pain,Frozen shoulder,Sports recovery,FASCIAL Stretching,Recovery Massage,Osteoarthritis,Migraine, Headache etc.
These are some of the issues we address through a kinesiology approach. With our expertise in Anatomy, Kinesiology, Physiology and Psychology and Nutrition we convert Physics,Mathematics & Engineering laws into applicable information for HUMANS.Helping humans perform better and move and live pain free.